creators of exceptional experiences

ssa is a global, award winning firm specializing in hospitality design and consulting for food and beverage operations for a range of project types: restaurants, hotels/resorts, retail, aviation, casino/gaming, workplace, assembly/stadiums, healthcare, ghost kitchens, commissaries, marine, clubs, education, criminal justice + museums.
our engagements range from small Starbucks type coffee operations to $2.6 billion resorts. our clients include Hard Rock International, Dean & Deluca, InterContinental, Ritz Carlton, Morgan Hotel Group, Microsoft, Dell, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsico, Michael Mina Group, Scott Conant Management and many others.
ssa has established a process and pragmatic approach to project development allowing for the beneficial exchange of pertinent information which streamlines the project effort. this approach embraces our philosophy of discuss, define, design + deliver resulting in the successful development of the client's asset.